Knee Pain

Almost everybody experiences sometime of mild or acute knee pain in their lives. Others experience chronic knee pain and there are a handful of reasons for that. Many athletes experience muscle strains, tendinitis and more serious injuries to ligament and cartilage. Knee pain can be life changing and limit daily activities. For others, mild knee pain can be a daily hindrance that causes them to life in constant pain.

There are a few types of knee injury.

  • Knee Ligament Injuries – Ligaments are what connect your thigh bone to your low leg bones. They hold your bones together and keep the knee stable.


  • Knee Cartilage Tears – Cartilage is a semi-hard tissue that covers the end of your bones


  • Arthritis of the Knee – The three most common types of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, and osteoarthritis.


Knee pain is treatable and Javery Pain Institute uses a comprehensive approach to knee pain management. If you are experiencing knee pain, you might consider knee pain management at Javery Pain Institute in Grand Rapids.

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